Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bad, Bad Leroy Brown

Does it ever happen to you that you're driving along listening to the oldies station (What? The oldies are awesome!) and are transported back to a time and place so vivid it practically brings tears to your eyes?

This afternoon Bad, Bad Leroy Brown came on and in an instant I was just little playing that song on the jukebox at The Pastime. My little sister and I would get to hang out there with my grandpa and his cronies. They'd give us Cokes and money for the jukebox. Harry, the bartender, would call us little boys. I probably have the story all wrong - I'm sure there were other people there, maybe my mom or my other siblings - I don't really remember all the details. But I was little - was I even 5? But I do 100% remember always playing Bad, Bad Leroy Brown and Most Beautiful Girl on the jukebox. Man, that was a long time ago. I loved those songs.

Listening to the lyrics now ... not so much kid appropriate although significantly tamer than what kids there days listen to. Some kids - not my kids. Not yet anyway.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Run, Troy. Run!

Troy will running the Twin Cities Marathon this Sunday. I'm really proud of him - he's worked incredibly hard and has been super diligent with his training. I hope that if you're local you'll consider coming out and cheering him on.

So, if you're interested ... here's a list of all the mile-marker cross streets on the route with a time range of when he should be there.

And here's the actual route map.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hiking Pictures

Here are some pictures from our hike yesterday at Interstate Park in Taylors Falls.

Henry took the camera reins for a little bit.

A perfect representation of Henry & Eli's personalities!

Love! this picture of Troy & Eli.

Henry & Eli sharing a glacial pothole!!

Are we home yet?

We may have taken a wrong turn & gotten off the trail but at least we got a little beach time in.

City boys

As heard on our drive to Taylors Falls yesterday morning:

"Look - hay loafs! Now that's something you don't see everyday!!"

That, right there, epitomizes the difference between my childhood and my boys'. Such little city boys.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

In honor of the last official day of summer

I present to you - our 2 lonely but huge and lovely sunflowers. One bloomed yesterday and one is just starting to bloom today. Perfect timing! We planted about 2 dozen but all but these 2 either drowned or were eaten by squirrels or we thought they were weeds and pulled them. But look. Look what we did!! The boys are very proud.

Next year we're going to try for an actual garden with food-type things and other "stuff." Wish us luck because clearly farmers we are not.

Summer wrap-up (a little late)

Even though we're now fully entrenched in fall-type activities - what with school starting, football season in full swing, chillier weather, leaves changing - I thought maybe I'd write a little about what a great summer we had. It really was pretty terrific! The list we put together in June has every activity minus one - Canterbury Park - checked off. Truthfully I don't think we should have to shoulder all the blame for not getting to the race track where we fully intended to teach our kids to gamble. When the MN gov't shut down they closed Canterbury Park so many of the available weekends were off the table. We were really hoping to go to some of the funny races - camels, wiener dogs, ostriches - not the horses and not to gamble ... much. Whatever. It's not a huge loss and we can always go next year. It just would have been nice to see every box checked off, ya know? But, we added some stuff to the list and we did a bunch of them more than once so I think we're all good. Plus the boys have tangible evidence that we had fun and that we did cool stuff with them. So now when they're all like "you never let us do anything fun" we can just march them to the list and show them. Maybe I'll leave the list up forever. What do ya think about that?

Really though, they had a great summer. They LOVED the camps they were in. They LOVED spending a bunch of time with G&G Schally. They LOVED the trips to Iowa to see their cousins and Grandma Becky and everyone. Camping was great. Records for s'more eating were set. Eli mastered bike riding. They both swim like little fish. They learned to golf ... kinda. They made new friends. Almost every day was spent outside. They were dirty and exhausted and super happy. Exactly what summer should be all about.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Vincent Price vs. James Earl Jones

The boys had a pretty long week. They were up early, to bed late, at school and before school care all day. They are tired. I'm tired. Troy's never tired.

Anyway, Eli's been having nightmares. It took a while but I finally got him to give me some hints about his dreams. I don't know why but I was so worried that his dreams were a deeper sign of some horrible thing that's happening in his real life that I don't know about so I really tried hard to get some info out of him.

I told him about the recurring nightmare I had as a kid, which was terrifying!! Really, so terrifying. Here's how it always went: I would get stuck in the bathroom at a family friend's house (the bathroom right off the kitchen at the Dickmans for those of you in the know). Then I would realize there was a tunnel off one side and I would walk down it and it turned into a cave. In the cave I would encounter Vincent Price - as in the Tiki Cave scene from "The Brady Bunch: Hawaii Bound." It played out from there ... it was super scary.

It turns out that Eli's nightmare was about a cave too. The clues he gave me was that it was about a guy he kinda knew, from a movie that started with "S." Well, if you know anything about Eli you know that it was Darth Vader from Star Wars. As soon as I guessed he immediately started crying and was so scared. He told me that he was Luke and it was in the cave where Yoda lives and he had to fight Darth Vader except he didn't even have a "lifesaver." Poor little guy - that is scary!

So, who do you think is scarier - a bean-making cave-bound Vincent Price who talks to a Tiki named Oliver or Darth Vader trying to kill you with a lifesaver? Eli wins. Hands down.

Well, that's weird ...

As it turns out, blogs do not actually write themselves.

When I was little I used to think turning on the cruise control meant the car totally drove itself. I thought it was weird! I mean, how does the car know where we're going? But, I was a kid and there was tons of stuff I didn't know so I never asked about it - I didn't want to look stupid! Eventually I figured it out, of course.

Anyway. I'm going to try to write posts again.