Monday, September 14, 2009

Nothing all that exciting

Don't get me wrong... a lot is happening but it's just not the instant gratification kind of stuff - nothing really to take photos of.
  • The wiring is pretty much done - couple of tweaks left to be made.
  • The concrete in the back and in the garage was poured last Friday. They called to let us know just in case we wanted to bring the boys over to stamp their hand prints into the wet concrete, which of course we did (even though it meant taking them out of school for 45 minutes - it was right at lunch time so I didn't feel too terrible about it). Henry thought it was super cool and Eli threw a gigantic fit. Nonetheless, the hand prints are there. Now that it's over Eli is thrilled by the whole thing and seems to have forgotten the aforementioned tantrum. I do have photos of this and I'll post them when I get the images downloaded from my camera.
  • The cabinetry throughout the house is being designed but we're still waiting to see the plan for that.
  • We're meeting the landscaper tomorrow to finalize the plans for the retaining wall and the grass. We're kind of running out of time to get grass seed in before the fall planting season is over. But we're crossing our fingers that it'll get in quickly and that we'll have perfect germinating and growing weather.
  • We met with the sprinkler system guy to get that ball rolling. Not sure if we have to meet w/ him again or if he'll just go ahead and get started.
  • The fireplace box was installed. We found out our grand plan for the facing and mantel didn't really work out due to some code issues with the venting. But, we found a perfect solution that I think will (hopefully) look better than the original.
  • Tomorrow they will do the insulation and they start sheet rocking on Wednesday. I guess that'll be finished sometime next week - although I can't remember the exact time line. Once that's done the painter does the knock down ceilings and the 1st coat of paint on all the walls and the ceiling.
  • And I think they are going to do the siding starting sometime this week and the landscaping will be done within the next 2 weeks.
Lots of stuff - just nothing really to show right now.

Here are some pictures from last Thursday when the pillars were put in. They also installed the last of the windows and the patio door in the basement. Once they did that they put a lock box on the house - it's funny b/c there's no door on the garage and no sheet rock on the walls so it's still a bit pointless. Soon though...

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