Tuesday, September 7, 2010


This person starts Kindergarten tomorrow. For real - like all day, take the bus, no kidding around this time. This will be his 4th "school" in the last 12 months. Seriously. He's thrilled. His best friend, Teshie, is in the same classroom so I don't think it could even get more exciting. Oh, and, his teacher is named after an animal. That's super cool (in case you didn't know)!

And to make things more exciting, this person started 2nd grade at his new school today and LOVED it! He was all smiles when he got off the bus this afternoon. I am so happy for him b/c he's been terribly nervous about it. It's hard to start at a new school where most of the other kids already know each other and have friends. They know how the bus works, where the bathroom is, how to buy milk at lunch - all that stuff. I think it helped that he did know a couple of boys in his class from basketball and baseball but when I asked if he talked to them today he said "no." And even though he told me he didn't play with anyone at recess he said he lots of fun. Oh, my sweet boy.

I'm hoping that this will be a terrific year for the boys - that they'll love their new school, make lots of good friends, learn tons of new stuff and have fun everyday!

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