Friday, September 24, 2010

Thinking about thinking

When we met with Henry's teacher yesterday she was telling us about a survey the kids did at school. The results were meant to be indicative of their learning style. She gave us a little hand out with the 4 different styles along with a couple of bullet point to describe each.

Step-by-step: follow a routine, get things done, keep themselves organized
Social: work well with others, know when people are happy or sad, like to help others
Curious: like to figure things out, learn mostly from reading, ask questions
Creative: are imaginative, come up with creative ideas, put drawings and are into their work

I would have thought Henry was strongly in the step-by-step category but it turns out that he's equally a social learner and a creative learner. We were pretty surprised. But then upon further thought I guess it does make sense. In regard to the social style he really is empathetic and sympathetic toward other people and he does enjoy helping other kids learn stuff. The creative one was a little more curious to me but I guess he really does like to draw stuff, make awards/trophies/etc, he loves to make cards for people. I didn't really realize that these attributes were part of his learning style - I just thought they were personality traits or stuff he likes to do. It's very interesting to find out that your kid is kind of different than you thought. I hope this information can help us get through some of the challenges that are likely ahead. Not everything will come easy to Henry so the more tools we have to help him the better off we'll all be.

Plus - he loves to play basketball!! He's been playing since we got BB hoop last spring and I gotta say - he's getting really good. He's a fantastic dribbler and can make tons of different shots. It's great to see him work so hard toward a goal.

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